Complete for 2015/16
Sholing First Team 2015/16 - Season in Numbers :
- Played 58 games
- Won : 37
- Drew : 8
- Lost : 13
- Scored : 126
- Conceded : 64
- Clean sheets : 20
- Failed to score : 5
- Home Record : P 31, W 25, D 3, L 3, F 77, A 31
- Away Record : P 27, W 12, D 5, L 10, F 49, A 33
- Top Scorer : Daniel Mason 39
- Man of Match Awards : Byron Mason & Dan Miller 8
- Appearances : Jamie Bulpitt 53
- Number of players used : 34
- Number of U18 players making their Debut : 10
- Yellow Cards : 64
- Red : 2
- Most Games without a caution : Ryan Gosney 51, Dan Miller 47
- Most Cautions : Jamie Bulpitt 9
- Penalties won : 7
- Penalties conceded : 4
- Goals from corners : 10
- Goals conceded from corners : 4
- Shots scored from outside box : 27
- Shots conceded from outside box : 11
- 10 minute timeframe where we score most : 35-45 mins (25 goals)
- 10 minute timeframe where we concede most : 80 - 90 mins (15 goals)
- Total Crowd attendance : 6,029
- Average Crowd : 109